February 3, 2012

Flying Home.

It's been a wonderful trip. I've made great friends and had fun and different experiences. It's all taught me something about myself and my life. I've learned that our family definitely doesn't hang out often enough. Can we schedule at least a regular monthly get together? Everyone here has begged me to come back, that's right, I'm cool enough to have friends in Brazil!

I've learned to appreciate food in a different way also. When you eat almost the same thing everyday and someone else cooks it for you, it makes you really appreciate having the ability to cook for yourself. Here there are a LOT of heavy people. They aren't heavy because they're eating too much McDonald's or too many chips, they're heavy because food is very social here. If you're hanging out with more than one person, at some point food will be involved. Good food. Homemade food.

In a similar way, I'm understanding more how important exercise is. I can't tell you how much cellulite I saw on the beach, and on people who weren't necessarily over weight. Women of average size who just aren't exercising at all. I often played with the kids while we were here. It's interesting how as you get older, hanging out means that you're going to sit around somewhere, or sit in a movie theater, or leisurely walk through the mall. When you're young you play something constantly. I slept well almost every night after spending time with them, and I felt better in the morning too.

Here's the itinerary:
I'm not worried that my Tam flights say "unavailable" as they are still listed under the correct time and Tam is a pretty small company. Even if something happened with my first flight I have a 3 hour layover which would hopefully give me some time to catch another flight. Let's hope everything goes according to plan.

Wish me luck as I say my last goodbyes, catch my last rays of second summer sun,  zip up my bags, and head off. See you all soon!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Daughty, you're making me choke up. See you soon! Safe travels.
