August 29, 2012

Mid-Week Update!

Not a whole lot to post about here today. We've had a few lazy days where it's rained a decent amount. Yesterday we entertained ourselves by watching Hot Fuzz and playing Bananagrams, what a day! Today we had a surprise visit from Kachico, Yuri's grandfather. He was super excited to see me and tried to talk me into coming to stay at his house for a few days. This guy can't get enough of his grand children, he's trying to adopt one more, what a sweet heart :)

In other news, I have a substantial amount of mosquito bites, something like 18. I must have sangue doce, or sweet blood, because they won't leave me alone!

We found out today that the wedding is on Saturday and in Jabaquara. It'll be about an hour drive from where we are. People make plans very last minute around here so I don't know of any other details, except that I haven't the slightest idea what to wear, and that multiple people will probably try (and fail) to teach me to Samba. 
We're at A, wedding is at B
We're trying to come up with entertaining ways to fill our time. So far we've been watching How I Met Your Mother from the beginning, watching movies, NOT itching our bug bites, learning to use my camera, and playing games. So far, so good. Next up? Some cooking. We've been wanting to head to the supermarket for days but every time we're ready to go, it pours. I've got a great recipe for a mango lemonade that we're going to try out soon :)

No need to worry folks!! My eye is healing very well, I should hopefully look less idiotic within the week.

Cheers! More updates to follow.


  1. I think you should shoot for an even 2 dozen bug bites to go with your outfit for the wedding! How did the mango lemonade turn out? Have a blast at the wedding. Can't wait to see pics! So glad your eye is healing well. Lave yay!

  2. Hair covers the eye and elmo band aids on the bites and you are golden.

  3. Yuri tried tirelessly to talk me into Angry Birds band aids, but I already have a box of G. I. Joe band aids open, so I'll go right ahead and finish those up.
