August 24, 2012

Traveling: Stressful, But Worth It.

What a trip!

This time around my bags had to weigh less than 50 pounds and my carry on had to be less 40 pounds. I'm starting here because that was incredibly hard. Between the clothes that I had packed and the gifts that I had to bring 140 pounds was almost not enough. Somehow I managed. I packed things like an absolute nut job, but everything was in and protected.

Flying out of Boston was easy. I got to the airport about 2 and half hours before my flight left. I checked my bags, one at 46 pounds and the other right at 50, and said my goodbyes to Yuri's Mom. After some good hugs, good lucks and a few tears I moved into the security line, and cruised through. Right before we started boarding they announced that it was very full flight and if you had 2 carry on bags they would check one for free. I'm jumped right on that. It was a smooth flight and I got a few good pictures.
I had really hoped to get a good meal in before my long flight to Sao Paulo, ya know, something balanced and with real flavor and sustenance. Didn't happen. I had just enough time to trade out half my money for Brazilian Reais before it was time to board.

I ended up sitting next to an old man, probably in his 80's, from Minas Gerais, Brazil. He was very nice but also VERY talkative. He learned early on that I could speak enough Portuguese to understand him and from there on out had 2 things he really wanted to talk about: Crossword puzzles and Niagra Falls. We got into a fun pattern on the plane. I would turn my head and fall asleep and just as I was drifting off he would say, "Oh oh! I forgot to tell you this story about Niagra falls!!" I think I got about 3 hours of sleep on my 9 hour flight. It was also the most turbulent flight I've EVER been on. Here are some pictures of Sao Paulo from the air:
A little sunset action leaving from Atlanta
When I arrived in Sao Paulo a series of small disasters occurred. When you first get off the plane you head to a section where they stamp your passport. The clerk took mine, left with it and came back a good 15 minutes later, just to tell me everything was fine and stamped my passport. Next, you move onto customs. They pulled me aside to search my luggage because I was by myself and had SO MUCH stuff. I made it through after ample time and took all my luggage to be rechecked in for my last, but small flight to Vitoria. I waited in line for almost a half an hour before I was told that I was in the wrong line. After finding the correct line I was told they had lost my reservation (My window seat!!) but would take care of it and find a way to get me on the plane. I was the last one to board the plane. I got the seat that's DIRECTLY next to the bathroom. Who was I sitting next to? A couple in their 70's that absolutely could not keep their hands off each other! Good lord. Here are a few pictures flying into Vitoria. Don't mind the window in all of them, I took them from a distance...
The bridge coming into Vitoria is beautiful and fairly famous.

All things said and done, I made it. I traveled alone to Brazil, spoke only Portuguese and made it. Whew!

Last, but not least, a few pictures from the ride home from the airport:
To the left is Praia de Camburi (Camburi Beach)
Oh palm trees, how I missed you.

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