September 11, 2012

Double Date!

On Sunday night Yuri's sister Larissa invited us to go out to dinner. Considering how lazy we'd been all weekend we definitely wanted to go. Her and her boyfriend Bruno picked us up around 8:30 and we drove over to Vitoria to have a look and see what was open.

The area we went to is really nice section of town, but recently shut down a lot of bars and restaurants. The residents had wanted a little more peace and quiet and that meant closing down a few places. That being said, there was still a ton open for that hour on a Sunday night.

We first stopped at a place called Emporio Da Empada. It was a small and busy place to grab empadinhas. You might remember us eating some on the beach in Ubu last time I was here, I posted them on the blog Right here.
They're like little individual servings of savory pie. They're DELICIOUS. This particular place had a Mexican version, and Italian version, and quite a few other varieties. They even had some sweet ones!

After we each had a bite there, and Yuri had a beer because all the empadinhas had cheese in them, we headed over to Habib's to see what they had to snack on.

Habib's is famous for these little almost pizzas. I don't know how else to call them. I didn't happen to take any pictures while we were there, most likely because the food didn't come out looking as good as it showed in the menu. I found a picture online though:
They had lots of little appetizer type foods for cheap, or combo platters for sharing, which was nice because I got to try a little bit of a few different things.

As if we hadn't eaten enough, we then went on an adventure to find the local Domino's Pizza. That's right. There aren't very many in the area, but Yuri and I are pretty big Domino's fans so we had to see it for ourselves. We were given directions at the empadinha place, and they turned out to be really good directions, because we found it!
I was clearly amazed.
Under 'Sobremesas" which is desserts, they have a mini banana pizza and a mini chocolate pizza! Might I add this is the only time I've ever seen pepperoni in Brazil.
Double Domino's Date.
This is apparently what Brazilians look like when they eat Domino's.
We ordered a medium pepperoni and an order of Cinnastix (That came with Dulce De Leche instead of that thin, white, powdered sugar gluey gook!) to go and managed to eat the entire order before bed. I must say, it was remarkably similar to American Domino's. Directly after I laid awake in bed wondering whether or not I would explode from fullness.

1 comment:

  1. That's a lot of munching! The empadinhas sound so yummy. I would have tried the chocolate pizza at Dominos. Good thing you joined a gym, lol.
