September 9, 2012

Lazy Days.

This weekend was a holiday weekend. Which meant nothing more than we were fairly lazy for about 4 days. Thursday night we went to Postinho for some food and drinks. We had some laughs, Yuri dropped some of our food the second it was delivered to the table, and people earned some new nicknames, it was a great time.

On Friday we went over to Tia Sandra's house to hang out with Caio and Luana. We watched Back To The Future in Portuguese, which was rather entertaining for me considering that Biff become "Biffee". As if his name wasn't bad enough. After we watched a soccer game and made plans to hit the movies. We didn't end up making it to the movies. We discovered that because it was a holiday they had jacked up the prices to the equivalent of $12 per person and no one wanted to pay that much. Eventually we ventured out of the house to get all the necessary things to make hot dogs, which was an adventure in itself considering everything was closed because of the holiday. Not long after dinner Caio and Luana left for Luana's house and we stuck around to hang out with Tio Lucio and Tia Sandra. It was a late, but fun and entertaining night.

Tia Sandra runs a catering business from home, this is one of her cakes.
Yesterday was the laziest day of all. We played video games, cruised the internet, I painted my nails, and topped it off with a 1/2 How I Met Your Mother 1/2 Green Mile movie/show marathon.
Played around with my camera around sunset.
Today is gorgeous, we don't have plans yet but they're in the works. I'll be sure to post pictures if I get anything good :)

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